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Hooker with a Heart of Gold Sells Heart for Drugs

In exchange for her heart, Samantha received $400, and a packet of cocaine and heroin commonly referred to as an 8-ball. Samantha’s professional handler took half of the sale price.

published July 4, 2011

PHILADELPHIA – Doctors share an incredible story emerging this past month, of a woman, whom they call “Samantha,” who sold her heart of gold, which she carried with her throughout nearly ten years as a prostitute, in exchange for cash for drugs.

Samantha’s old heart was extremely valuable, since it was made of one of earth’s most precious commodities. She decided to sell it after learning from numerous Johns that it was definitely made of gold. Her old heart was removed by a black market surgeon, who replaced it with a series of ziploc bags and rubber bands. The new heart, despite its makeshift nature, functions well enough to keep Samantha alive.

“That maybe wasn’t the best decision,” said the woman. “I kinda wish I had kept it. Or maybe most of it.”

In exchange for her heart, Samantha received $400, and a packet of cocaine and heroin commonly referred to as an 8-ball. Samantha’s professional handler took half of the sale price.

“I know I’ll get it back because he cares about me,” she said at the time of her admittance to hospital. “It’s just a matter of time before I am up and back on my feet.”

The experience has led Samantha to embark on a new stage of her life.

“I realize I made some very bad decisions, but that was definitely the worst one. I have seen people change, and I resolve to do just that.”

As of the time of this report, Samantha had managed to stay off the streets and drug free.

“Surprisingly, not having the heart of gold has allowed me to be a little more honest with myself about how I feel about what I was doing.”

“Obviously, a decision like that is usually made in haste. Which has helped me understand what happens when I make decisions in haste. And I am learning.”

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